Szaporodni, mint a nyúl? Á dehogy!

A Magyar Kurír mai hírlevelében lehozott Somogyi Viktória fordításában egy interjút az Avvenire katolikus napilapból. Angelo Becciu-t kérdezte a lap a Manilából hazafelé tartó pápai sajtótájékoztató mémként terjedő családtervezési mondatairól. Az a rossz ebben az interjúban, hogy nagyon vonalasan át/félreolvassa/hallja a Szentatya szavait, de minek? Mire az interjú közepére érünk, már éppen az ellenkezőjét mondja annak, amit a Pápa kifejezett vagy legalábbis olyasmiket told hozzá, ami már tényleg nem képezte a megnyilatkozás tárgyát.

Az érsek és a nyomában többek panasza helyett, hogy ti. kontextus híján kiforgatta a média a pápa szavait, több értelme lett volna lefordítani a Pápa repülőn elmondott interjúját sok nyelvre, hogy meglegyen a kontextus. Ez a magyarázósdi rosszul rögzült, régi és kétes megoldás.

A teljes pápai megnyilatkozás és az azt kiváltó kérdés angol fordításban ez:

Christoph Schmidt: Holy Father, first of all I would like to say: Thank you very much for all the impressive moments of this week. It is the first time I accompany you, and I would like to say thank you very much. My question: you have talked about the many children in the Philippines, about your joy because there are so many children, but according to some polls the majority of Filipinos think that the huge growth of Filipino population is one of the most important reasons for the enormous poverty in the country. A Filipino woman gives birth to an average of three children in her life, and the Catholic position concerning contraception seem to be one of the few question on which a big number of people in the Philippines do not agree with the Church. What do you think about that?

Pope Francis: I think the number of three children per family that you mentioned – it makes me suffer- I think it is the number experts say is important to keep the population going. Three per couple. When this decreases, the other extreme happens, like what is happening in Italy. I have heard, I do not know if it is true, that in 2024 there will be no money to pay pensioners because of the fall in population. Therefore, the key word, to give you an answer, and the one the Church uses all the time, and I do too, is responsible parenthood. How do we do this? With dialogue. Each person with his pastor seeks how to do carry out a responsible parenthood.
That example I mentioned shortly before about that woman who was expecting her eighth child and already had seven who were born with caesareans. That is a an irresponsibility That woman might say ‘no, I trust in God.’ But, look, God gives you means to be responsible. Some think that — excuse the language — that in order to be good Catholics, we have to be like rabbits. No. Responsible parenthood. This is clear and that is why in the Church there are marriage groups, there are experts in this matter, there are pastors, one can search; and I know so many ways that are licit and that have helped this. You did well to ask me this.
Another curious thing in relation to this is that for the most poor people, a child is a treasure. It is true that you have to be prudent here too, but for them a child is a treasure. Some would say ‘God knows how to help me’ and perhaps some of them are not prudent, this is true. Responsible paternity, but let us also look at the generosity of that father and mother who see a treasure in every child.
